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Building Bridges
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Ishita Ray
Aug 24, 20215 min read
Proverblog: Signing off on cloud #9
A cat has nine lives, they say. So did Proverblog in its first avatar. Yes, you guessed it right. With this blogpost, Proverblog will...
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Ishita Ray
Jul 26, 20214 min read
Proverblog#8: Louder than words
What do people talk about you when you are not in the room? How do they describe you? How do they feel about working with you? That’s the...
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Ishita Ray
Jun 14, 20214 min read
Proverblog #7: Let your light shine
Do we all remember the times we walked into a meeting room and instantly feeling the vibes – serious, uptight, relaxed, energetic and so...
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Ishita Ray
May 21, 20213 min read
Proverblog # 6: Beg to seek
The richest 1% of India's population holds more than four-times the wealth held by the bottom 70% that accounts for 953 million people,...
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Ishita Ray
Apr 9, 20214 min read
Proverblog # 5: Why rock the boat?
Scenario 1: You are in a proposal planning meeting with your team. The client presentation is due in two weeks and it will be a big deal...
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Ishita Ray
Mar 26, 20215 min read
Proverblog # 4: Facing our demons
Two aspects of Proverblog#3 inspired me the most – one, taking a couplet as a proverb and two, the thought of looking inwards about our...
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Ishita Ray
Mar 12, 20214 min read
Proverblog # 3: Once burnt, forever shy?
And then one wonders, why the hullaballoo around speaking – when to speak, how to say it, what is the purpose – the questions never end....
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Ishita Ray
Feb 26, 20214 min read
Proverblog # 2: Hear ye! ‘Berries’, anyone?
By Ishita Ray First, a huge thank you to all Proverblog readers for engaging so meaningfully with the first sortie of the series....
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Ishita Ray
Feb 12, 20213 min read
Proverblog #1: To Speak Up or Not To...
By Ishita Ray A multi-stakeholder meeting is coming up for your client. When does she speak, what does she say, how does she say it – are...
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